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Public Liability Claim Examples Worth $200k+

If you’ve become injured due to another’s negligence, then you may be entitled to compensation. Public liability claims allow injured persons to seek compensation for their injuries, covering medical expenses, lost wages and psychological damages.

The nature of each public liability claim differs: some arise due to slip and fall accidents in public spaces, others are the result of faulty products liability, and still others stem from exposure to hazardous conditions. Below are specific examples of public liability claims, each resulting in compensation payouts of $200k or more.

Slip and Fall at Hospital: $500,000 Payout

Our client received $500,000 in compensation after a fall at a hospital where she was undergoing multiple surgical procedures, physiotherapy and rehabilitation.

Due to the hospital’s negligence, our client, who had significant pre-existing conditions, experienced a fall that resulted in a permanent inability to walk. The hospital staff failed to follow acceptable procedures, including not using a wheelchair for transportation, neglecting wound reviews and mobilising her without proper support. This oversight led to our client’s immobility, necessitating the use of a wheelchair and causing her to develop diabetes and significant psychiatric injury.

She contacted us to inquire about a medical negligence claim. Our legal team gathered and analysed clinical records, consulting with top medical specialists to build a strong case. We then provided the hospital’s negligence in its care and treatment, which significantly impacted our client’s life.

The matter was settled with the hospital agreeing to pay $500,000. This compensation ensures that our client receives the support she needs for the remainder of her life.

Fall on school trip: $500,000 payout

Our client, a school teacher, received $500,000 following a severe fall during a school excursion in Victoria’s Central Highlands.

She was helping her students alight from an open carriage in rainy weather, handling heavy plastic curtains without staff/business owner assistance. Struggling with the curtains and a slippery, narrow step, she lost her balance and fell — severely injuring her shoulder as a result. The injury — which required surgery — hindered her ability to teach and perform daily tasks, causing ongoing pain and dependency on others for help at home.

Initially unable to work for six months, she faced challenges when returning to full-time teaching. After her previous lawyers declined the case due to complex inter-state laws, we successfully secured the settlement by demonstrating the venue’s negligence. The compensation accounted for her lost wages, medical expenses and diminished quality of life. It also factored in her future medical care needs and potential modifications to her work schedule.

Trip on electricity cord: $450,000 payout

During a typical workday, a carer tripped over an electrical cord, suffering injuries to her right shoulder, elbow, wrist and thumb.

After consulting with us, our client filed a workers’ compensation claim that was quickly accepted, granting her approximately $250,000 in weekly compensation and medical benefits for rehabilitation and hospital expenses. Medical assessments later determined she had a 17% Whole Person Impairment, leading to an initial lump sum compensation of just over $40,000. Upon meeting the 15% threshold necessary for a negligence claim, she pursued a case against her employer for failing to maintain a safe workplace. Our legal team presented strong evidence and through successful mediation at the Workers Compensation Commission, we arrived at a total settlement agreement of $450,000.

Trip on Sydney footpath: $400,000 payout

A Sydney man secured $400,000 in compensation after he tripped over a raised section of concrete on a council-maintained footpath while jogging, suffering a serious right ankle injury.

Following consulting with us, we filed a claim in the District Court of New South Wales on our client’s behalf. The injury required him to take several months off work and subsequently return on light duties only, prompting claims for his past and future loss of income.

He also needed domestic assistance from family members due to his reduced capacity to perform everyday tasks. Our firm obtained an expert report that assessed the footpath’s condition and the council’s maintenance obligations — necessary as the council had disputed legal liability.

Operating on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis, meaning our clients can pursue expert legal services regardless of their financial situation, our firm collected extensive medical evidence from his physicians and independent medico-legal assessments — all without upfront legal cost to our client. The parties convened a settlement conference, resulting in a favourable $400,000 settlement due to the council’s general liability, covering pain and suffering, medical expenses, domestic help and economic losses.

Do you want to learn more about filing a compensation claim?

Call us for confidential, free advice.

Fall at Sydney CBD: $260,000 payout

Our client sustained serious injuries after tripping on a poorly marked step while navigating a crowded pavement in Sydney’s CBD.

The step was constructed with the same pavers as the surrounding footpath, providing no visual cues to distinguish its presence. He required surgery on his left ankle and realised the long-term impact this injury would have on his active lifestyle. Following the accident, he lost his job and experienced unstable employment throughout the litigation process.

We pursued a case against the joint owners and occupiers of the premises for their management liability, failing to maintain and safely mark the step. Our team of public liability law experts conducted thorough site inspections and secured expert liability reports, successfully negotiating a settlement of over $260,000 — aiding our client’s recovery and helping him move forward in his personal and professional life.

Fall in a carpark: $250,000 payout

Our client, a 72-year-old man, slipped and fell on a white spray-painted directional arrow in a shopping centre car park, sustaining a significant knee fracture along with multiple soft tissue injuries and abrasions.

This accident required surgery and extensive rehabilitation before he could return home.
Initially, another personal injury firm had rejected his case as they deemed it too complex. However, understanding the severity of his injuries, our firm took on the challenge to pursue the compensation he deserved.

As the case unfolded, we determined that three separate defendants could be held accountable: the shopping centre owners, their maintenance contractor, and the contractor’s line marking subcontractor. Yet all denied legal liability, each pointing the finger at the others.

After about three hours of negotiations proving negligent business activity and several offers within a private mediate conference, the matter initially remained unresolved. However, weeks later, one of the defendants increased their offer, leading to a favourable settlement of $250,000.

Fall at a supermarket: $245,000 payout

Our client, a 47-year-old woman from Western Sydney, secured $245,000 in compensation following a slip and fall at her local supermarket.

She slipped on liquid near an open refrigerator while heading to the checkout, resulting in a severe knee injury. This incident forced her to take time off work, undergo specialist surgery and attend regular physiotherapy sessions. Over time, her uninjured knee also suffered from overuse, developing arthritic changes that will likely require a knee replacement.

We took action against the supermarket giant, collecting medical evidence and subpoenaing the store’s cleaning records to assess their maintenance procedures. Although initial informal settlement proceedings failed to resolve the claim, our strategic submission of an “Offer of Compromise” pressured the insurance agency. The supermarket eventually increased their offers following our negotiation efforts, and we successfully settled the claim for $245,000 — a favourable outcome that spared our client the stress of court proceedings.

Construction site accident: $220,000 payout

Our client, sent by his labour hire company to a construction site, was unexpectedly tasked with manual labour for which he had no training. While working, he encountered property damage by tripping over a pipe an employee had left behind, suffering a meniscal tear that required surgery. Persistent knee pain led him to seek our legal assistance.

We initiated a lawsuit in the District Court, arguing that the host employer failed to provide a safe working environment or adequate supervision. Our subpoenas revealed significant safety protocol and training deficiencies at the host employer’s site. Expert liability evaluations and medical reports supported our negligence claims, emphasising the severe impact on our client’s life and work capacity.

After thorough negotiations, we secured $220,000 in workers compensation from the employer, favourably resolving the issue without the need for a court hearing.

Faulty chair injury: $210,000 payout

Our client, a father from the Shire, received over $210,000 in compensation after a slip and fall at a popular coffee retailer.

He fell heavily when the back leg of his chair slipped off a lip as he was sitting down, exacerbating his pre-existing spinal conditions and necessitating further hospital treatments — including a laminectomy and spinal fusion.

Our team reviewed his clinical records and promptly arranged for him to be evaluated by an orthopaedic surgeon and a psychologist. These assessments documented the extensive impact of his injuries and their effect on his existing conditions. Unemployed at the time, he focused his claim on non-economic loss, treatment expenses and domestic care. An occupational therapist evaluated his reduced ability to perform household tasks.

Our team initiated an informal settlement conference and successfully negotiated a settlement of over $210,000. This resolution enhanced our client’s ability to manage his future needs, leaving him satisfied with the outcome.

Book an appointment with our expert team of compensation solicitors.

Fall while shopping: $200,000 payout

Our client received a $200,000 compensation payout after slipping on a piece of cardboard in a grocery store — injuring her knee.

During a home visit for her initial free consultation, one of our accredited personal injury specialists offered tailored legal advice, informing our client on her rights and the potential value of her claim. We then briefed a barrister on the liability issues and initiated proceedings in the District Court against the grocery store. Following her surgery, we arranged for her medical assessment by both an orthopaedic surgeon and a psychiatrist to evaluate her injuries and care needs. Through effective negotiations within a private settlement conference proving the negligent business activity, we resolved the matter for $200,000.

Slip and fall at a shopping mall: $200,000 payout

Our 63-year-old client won $200,000 in compensation after a slip and fall accident at a shopping centre in Sydney. He slipped on a large puddle of water while grocery shopping, sustaining significant soft tissue injuries to his left shoulder, neck and lower back. Receiving a Disability Support Pension and minimal support from friends, these injuries had a profound impact on his life.

The case presented challenges, particularly in proving liability against the cleaning staff: The cleaner was nearby, yet not visible in the limited CCTV footage provided by the shopping centre. Our team conducted a detailed review of the CCTV footage and performed site visits with our client and a liability expert. We then compared the conditions to similar venues and noted the cleaning staff’s inadequate maintenance, evidenced by the frequent opening and closing of a cleaning room door with no one entering or exiting. Through persistent efforts, we secured a settlement of $200,000 for our client.

Our client received a $2,000,000 compensation settlement after he sustained serious injuries from tripping on broken concrete around a sinkhole. The injury required spinal surgery and significantly impacted his career.

Despite numerous complaints to the local Sydney Council and their initial inspections, the council failed to repair the driveway as promised. They only removed the invasive tree roots and repaired the pipe, neglecting the underlying issue. At the time of his injury, our client was a high-income earner employed as a geologist. Unfortunately, his injuries rendered him unable to meet his job’s physical demands, leading to redundancy.

Our team lodged a GIPA application with the council and obtained all pertinent documents about the sinkhole complaints. These documents confirmed the council had been aware of the defect but had not taken adequate action. With comprehensive documentation and medical assessments from numerous doctors, our team prepared to file the matter in the Supreme Court of NSW. Although mediation with the defendant solicitors initially failed to reach a settlement, our preparation and evidence eventually led to securing the $2,000,000 compensation for our client.

GMP Law: Leading public liability lawyers

We’re Australia’s leading personal injury law firm. Our work has led to over $4b in settlements for our clients across 25,000 victories and counting.

If you’ve suffered due to another’s negligence, whether from a small business, product liability, or other, our team can help. By booking a consultation with our team, you can gain answers to any questions you have and receive guidance on the best legal pathways forward — based on the specifics of your case.

Click here to book a free, no-obligation consultation with a personal injury lawyer.

Class Actions
At GMP Law, we have extensive experience in class action lawsuits, amplifying the voices of individuals who have experienced similar harms or losses.
About Us
Gerard Malouf & Partners have provided friendly, experienced legal advice to communities across Australia for over 35 years. Our Personal Injury Lawyers have taken on ten’s of thousands of cases and we are proud to have won billions of dollars for our clients.
Meet the diverse and dynamic team of compensation lawyers and supporting staff that have made this all happen below. Our multi-lingual team can discuss your claims in Arabic, Assyrian, Turkish, Greek, Italian, French, Serbian, Croatian, Armenian, Mandarin, Hindi, Punjabi or Malayalam.
Meet the diverse and dynamic team of compensation lawyers and supporting staff that have made this all happen below. Our multi-lingual team can discuss your claims in Arabic, Assyrian, Turkish, Greek, Italian, French, Serbian, Croatian, Armenian, Mandarin, Hindi, Punjabi or Malayalam.

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