Radiology: they don’t always get it right

Errors, misinterpretation or coming to the wrong conclusion using radiology or with imaging (X-rays, CT, ultrasound, bone scan, MRI, etc) can have a massive impact on your matter.

Almost without exception, all claims for compensation involve imaging and some are in fact about mistakes made by radiologist who have missed things by either not reading the imagining properly or missing some valuable piece of information.

Imagining is a snapshot in time and is subject to interpretation. It is an invaluable tool to show what has happened and can provide a useful guide for a comparison to assess progression. It also goes straight to determining a person’s Whole Person Impairment.

However, there is an error rate in all branches of medicine and radiology is no exception.

Mistakes with imaging can affect claims for compensation in two very different ways.

Firstly, it can impact on the value of the claim by providing false diagnosis or not providing enough information for a valued decision to be made about the amount of compensation you will receive. For example the failure of a radiologist or doctor to identify a fracture on an x-ray could mean the false diagnosis of a soft tissue injury is made, which can result in the amount of compensation you receive being greatly reduced and not enough to meet your ongoing needs.

Secondly, it can also lead to a claim for medical negligence as it can result in a misdiagnosis or a delayed diagnosis of a medical condition or injury.

Your imagining should be reviewed to ensure the scans, x-rays, CTs etc have all been read and interpreted correctly.

Radiologists can’t always be certain of what they see and an eye should be cast over their work because various things can be misinterpreted, the wrong type of scan could have been used which can significantly alter the diagnosis. A second opinion can always be of value.

At Gerard Malouf and Partners are medical negligence lawyers we take the time, and care enough about your claim for compensation, to fully investigate your claim to ensure you gain the maximum amount of compensation.

We are highly specialised and focused lawyers with our law firm being small enough to care intimately for our clients, but large enough to have the solid financial, medical and expert resources our clients need to match the big insurers we fight every day.

For a free over-the-phone advice or to take advantage of our free face-to-face consultation call our expert team of lawyers today on our Free Call Number 1800 004 878.

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Gerard Malouf & Partners have provided friendly, experienced legal advice to communities across Australia for over 35 years. Our Personal Injury Lawyers have taken on ten’s of thousands of cases and we are proud to have won billions of dollars for our clients.
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Meet the diverse and dynamic team of compensation lawyers and supporting staff that have made this all happen below. Our multi-lingual team can discuss your claims in Arabic, Assyrian, Turkish, Greek, Italian, French, Serbian, Croatian, Armenian, Mandarin, Hindi, Punjabi or Malayalam.

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