Our client was a 45 year old lady who underwent surgery to remove a foreign body in the patella region of her left knee. She was administered a general anaesthetic before the operation took place. The anaesthesia was administered by the alleged Defendant. When our client awoke from surgery, her left knee was much better and she was able to mobilize her left knee quite quickly. However, the Plaintiff noticed a numbness on the left side of her groin that extended along the medial aspect of her left thigh and shin to her left ankle, but not to her foot.
Our client had not experienced any improvement in her condition since surgery. She feels as though she is cut beneath her left medial ankle and has lukewarm, watery sensations around the area. She also suffers a deep throbbing sensation in her left groin that is exacerbated by coughing. She also experiences a deep painful sensation if firm pressure is applied to the area of numbness around the left groin. Our client has since undergone many different types of treatment but has not been able to obtain relief from her femoral nerve damage.
Our client then came to Gerard Malouf & Partners upset that she had undergone surgery as a result of negligent anaesthetic treatment. Our experienced Medical Negligence Solicitor immediately recognised the anaesthetist’s failure to ensure competent clinical practice, and sought the expert opinion of an expert anaesthetist to detail the fault. The anaesthetist clearly showed causation in this matter that the negligent treatment caused.
We also sought an expert Psychologist and Occupational Therapist to advise of the mental pain suffered by our client, and the domestic care and assistance required by our client. Upon receiving supportive evidence he quickly filed the matter in the District Court.
Our client was happy that we believed there was merit in the claim, and that we were prepared to undertake investigations in the matter in accordance with our No-Win-No-Fee Policy, which meant that our client did not have to pay for the reports up front.
The matter swiftly settled at Mediation for about $350,000.00.
If you are a victim of poor surgery, call Gerard Malouf & Partners today on 1800 004 878 and ask to speak to one of our experienced Medical Negligence Lawyers. Time limits apply in Medical Negligence claims so call today.