Our client was a 28-year-old female whose small bowel was perforated by an obstetrician at Dubbo Hospital during an elective caesarean section. The doctor’s failure to properly inspect or review the client in post-operation procedures caused the client to suffer disabilities.
After the operation, our client began to experience severe abdominal pain and high temperatures, requiring further treatment and analysis by CT scans. Draining of the cavity was also necessary to lessen our client’s symptoms. As a result of her injuries, our client suffered pain and cramping, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, anxiety, difficulty socialising and a decreased quality of life.
We obtained clinical notes from the hospital in question and engaged our expert doctors to review the evidence. The doctors ascertained that the usual post-operative procedures were not followed and confirmed that accepted practice is to carefully inspect the patient after surgery. They emphasised that there is indeed a duty on the part of doctors to ensure that patients are thoroughly examined after such a procedure.
After obtaining and considering these expert opinions, court proceedings were filed on the basis that had the doctor properly examined our client post-operation, the subsequent injuries could have been avoided and thus the injury and loss to the client would not have existed. We claimed damages on behalf of the client for pain and suffering, costs for past medical treatment, future expenses for medical treatment and care, and wages lost, both past and future, as a result of the client’s injuries and disabilities.
We proceeded to negotiate and have settlement discussions with the solicitors of the Hospital and we reached an early and favourable resolution to the case, with the matter resulting in an award of $90,000.
We are a specialised medical negligence compensation lawyers who are small enough to care, yet large enough to have solid financial, medical and expert resources to match the big defendants and insurance firms. Please contact us if you have a similar hospital negligence issue that you require help with.