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The beat that my heart skipped

A recent announcement has put people with a HeartWare Ventricular Assist Device (HVAD) on edge. With the release of a hazard alert, those using the device should be wary of the risks that come with faulty equipment. In instances like this, it's important to seek the advice of both a medical professional and compensation lawyers […]

Medical mesh could be causing major health problems

Engaging with medical professionals can be a daunting task. You have to share confidential, personal and often embarrassing information about your body, but the answers you obtain can transform your life. As such, the key characteristic of doctor-patient relationships is trust. So when a mistake arises or a health professional fails to inform their patient, the […]

Hepatitis C can lead to medical negligence claims

In the past, Hepatitis C was a major infection that could put an end to your life. Today, it is treatable, with a range of new drugs and treatments available.  Yet, contracting this virus is not something to shrug at. It can cause a number of adverse effects, not to mention a major drain on your wellbeing. While […]

How do you know if you have a case for medical negligence?

One sad reality of the world is that when it comes to receiving treatment, medical malpractice or negligence is still happening in this day and age. Often people are unsure if and when they have been the victim of negligence or whether or not they have a substantiated claim. Understanding your rights as a patient and consumer is imperative […]

How to seek compensation following medical malpractice?

Do you believe you’ve been the victim of medical negligence or medical malpractice? Gerard Malouf & Partners can bring you the expertise that wins negligence cases. Your medical malpractice claim could result in significant compensation, so you aren’t left worrying about finances while dealing with the aftermath of poor medical treatment.  Medical negligence vs. medical […]

Justice delayed is justice denied: Medical negligence statutes of limitations

The team at Gerard Malouf and Partners believe medical practitioners have a duty of care towards their patients. When it is found hospitals and doctors have breached their duty of care and injured you as a patient, you may be entitled to claim compensation for your injuries. Time is of the essence, however. Most state […]

Imported pills a danger to Australian consumers

As medication contains a number of dangerous chemicals, it is important to ensure what you consume is up to Australian standards. However, with the sheer amount of tablets and pills on the market it can be hard to ensure medication is correctly produced. In some cases, the consumption of problematic tablets can lead to medical negligence claims. […]

Male libido tablets lead to serious health risks

With so many medications on the market, it can be hard to pick the right pills to match your treatment. However, it's highly important to know what is good for you and what comes with health risks. If the worst was to happen, it is essential you talk to an experienced compensation lawyer who can […]

Man pursues medical negligence claim after car accident

There are several different types of injury compensation available, and some people may be eligible for further damages if their accident covers various claims. This situation recently arose in a case that went before the NSW Supreme Court, with a man pursuing both car accident compensation and medical negligence damages due to injuries following a […]

NSW health system improvements on the way

Treating the number of patients who need assistance around NSW is challenging at the best of times. However, there are some situations where it can be even more difficult to administer the proper care and attention these people may require. The massive rural areas that characterise much of the state represent one of the major […]

About Us
Gerard Malouf & Partners have provided friendly, experienced legal advice to communities across Australia for over 35 years. Our Personal Injury Lawyers have taken on ten’s of thousands of cases and we are proud to have won billions of dollars for our clients.
Meet the diverse and dynamic team of compensation lawyers and supporting staff that have made this all happen below. Our multi-lingual team can discuss your claims in Arabic, Assyrian, Turkish, Greek, Italian, French, Serbian, Croatian, Armenian, Mandarin, Hindi, Punjabi or Malayalam.
Meet the diverse and dynamic team of compensation lawyers and supporting staff that have made this all happen below. Our multi-lingual team can discuss your claims in Arabic, Assyrian, Turkish, Greek, Italian, French, Serbian, Croatian, Armenian, Mandarin, Hindi, Punjabi or Malayalam.

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