Our client’s mother passed away without including him as a beneficiary in her will. Although our client was initially uncertain about contesting a will, he decided to instruct GMP Contesting Wills Lawyers in his matter as he could not understand his mother’s decision to leave him out of her will.
Our client grew up on a cherry farm and assisted his parents in looking after the plants and harvesting. Even after our client moved out to pursue tertiary education and better employment prospects, he remained in close contact with his parents and would visit them at every opportunity. After his father passed away our client helped his mother with day to day tasks and would invite her to join him on his family holidays.
Our client was the sole breadwinner in his family and was responsible for supporting his wife who was unable to work due to medical issues. Our client was in a difficult financial position, due to the significant amount owing on his mortgage and the onset of his redundancy.
Many lawyers in the industry would be reluctant to take on a matter which involved an estate valued under $200,000. Garbis Kolokossian Lawyer at GMP, however, one of the experienced Contesting Wills lawyers at GMP, understood our client’s position, and was sympathetic to him from the beginning of the case to the end. Garbis commenced proceedings in this matter, but also maintained negotiations with the Estate Solicitors in order to secure the best result possible for our client.
The Estate Solicitors made our client an offer which represented one third of the Estate and our client was more than happy to accept this offer as he felt that it represented a proper acknowledgement of his relationship with his mother. This result could not have been achieved if it was not for the hard work and persistence of Garbis Kolokossian.
If you are considering contesting a will and want lawyers who will approach your case with competence, and understanding, contact GMP. Our Contesting a Will team will look after you and fight to pursue your best interests.