Woman settles for $150,000 after Hospital fails to investigate and diagnose a post-operative infection

In this matter, our client attended a Central Coast district hospital for elective bowel surgery. Following the procedure, our client suffered from symptoms of low blood pressure, significant abdominal pain, sweatiness, and an increased heart rate.

An x-ray scan was performed, which indicated that our client may have been suffering from an anastomotic leak and a CT scan to investigate was recommended. However, the CT was not performed until 4 days later, which ultimately confirmed that our client was suffering from a leak.

As a result of the delay in investigating and diagnosing the leak, our client suffered from an untreated intra-abdominal infection and suffered a poorer medical outcome.

The injury sustained by our client significantly impacted her ability to perform the activities of daily living, and also impacted her ability to work. This leads her to seek out the services of Gerard Malouf & Partners. Our client’s matter was handled by one of our experienced Medical Negligence solicitors, Ms Susan Newman. Ms Newman and her team investigated our client’s matter and sought out expert opinion, which was critical of the conduct of the hospital.

The parties took part in a mediation. Ms Newman and her team, including an expert barrister, negotiated a settlement of $150,000. Our client was very pleased with the result and was happy to be able to attempt to move on with her life.

At Gerard Malouf & Partners, we pride ourselves on assisting those who are mistreated, misdiagnosed and inadequately cared for by the health system. We are highly specialised and focused medical negligence lawyers with our firm being small enough to care intimately for our clients, but large enough to have the solid, financial, medical and expert resources our clients need to match the big insurers, we fight every day.

For free over the phone advice or to take advantage of our free face-to-face consultation call Gerard Malouf and Partners on 1800 004 878 and ask to speak with one of our experienced medical negligence lawyers.

Class Actions
At GMP Law, we have extensive experience in class action lawsuits, amplifying the voices of individuals who have experienced similar harms or losses.
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Gerard Malouf & Partners have provided friendly, experienced legal advice to communities across Australia for over 35 years. Our Personal Injury Lawyers have taken on ten’s of thousands of cases and we are proud to have won billions of dollars for our clients.
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Meet the diverse and dynamic team of compensation lawyers and supporting staff that have made this all happen below. Our multi-lingual team can discuss your claims in Arabic, Assyrian, Turkish, Greek, Italian, French, Serbian, Croatian, Armenian, Mandarin, Hindi, Punjabi or Malayalam.

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