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Passenger receives $480,000 compensation following injuries from car accident

On 20 October 2012 our client Ms K was the passenger in a car traveling in Liverpool when a car reversed out of a drive way into the path of her vehicle. As a result of the at speed crash Ms K has suffered injuries to her head, neck, back and whole right hand side of her body and receive over $480,0000.00 as a result.

Ms K attended upon her GP straight away and was referred to physiotherapy which gave her some short term relief. The ongoing pain in her back was radiating into her legs and hands and as a result Ms K was referred to Dr Maniam, an Orthopaedic Surgeon, 6 months after the accident.

Ms K also attended upon a Hand Surgeon to deal with the tingling and numbness in her hands. An EMG study showed that she had obtained carpal tunnel syndrome as a result of the accident.

Ms K first contacted Vrege Kolokossian, an Accredited Personal Injury Specialist Lawyer, in December 2013 more than a year after her accident. Vrege quickly organised medical assessment for Ms K to find out her level of personal impairment.

Vrege after receiving these reports found out that Ms K had a significant whole person impairment and by August 2014 had made a MAS application to the State Insurance Regulatory Authority for a Medical assessment to assess the level of her impairment. Ms K was found to have a whole person impairment of 16%, this overcame the 10% threshold and as a result entitled Ms K to compensation for her pain and suffering following the accident.

The Insurer was not happy with the outcome and lodged an appeal to overturn this decision. Using his decades of experience Vrege was able to dispute this appeal and ultimately Ms K’s whole person impairment was upheld.

At the time of the accident Ms K was employed as an administration ward Clerk at a local hospital. As a result of her accident she was off work for 21 weeks and had to take sick and annual leave. Vrege was able to claim all this lost income back to Ms K.

By arguing that Ms K would require further surgery and have a reduced capacity to perform in her role, Vrege was able to claim for her future loss of income as well as a significant reduction in her earning capacity.

While she was injured Ms K relied on her son to assist her around the house, Ms K was reimbursed for the time of her sound as well as provided money for any future care requirements which she might need.

As a result of the accident Ms K also had significant medical bills, medication costs and the cost of traveling to many treating doctors. Vrege was able to claim these expenses back as well as her future expenses yet to come. Vrege was also able to obtain the costs of surgery which Ms K was to have in the future.

Vrege was able to settle this matter before it went as far as a hearing in front to the Motor Accident Authority, saving Ms K money and finding a faster resolution to the matter. Ms K walked away with over $480,000.00 compensation for her injuries.

Should you be in a similar situation please contact our specialists at Gerard Malouf & Partners to advise you and assist you with your compensation claim.

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Gerard Malouf & Partners have provided friendly, experienced legal advice to communities across Australia for over 35 years. Our Personal Injury Lawyers have taken on ten’s of thousands of cases and we are proud to have won billions of dollars for our clients.
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Meet the diverse and dynamic team of compensation lawyers and supporting staff that have made this all happen below. Our multi-lingual team can discuss your claims in Arabic, Assyrian, Turkish, Greek, Italian, French, Serbian, Croatian, Armenian, Mandarin, Hindi, Punjabi or Malayalam.

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