Woman receives over $200,000 after a prop fell on her in Sydney

Our client contacted our office after she attended a very popular entertainment premises in the heart of Sydney.

Our client instructed our office that on this occasion, while socialising with friends, a prop that was suspended from the ceiling came crashing down striking her and causing her significant pain and discomfort.

After her initial obligation free consultation, our client was advised that she had rights to pursue a personal injury claim by suing for negligence.

The accident had a significant impact on our client’s enjoyment of life, her capacity to work as well as her ability to provide for herself financially. After instructing GMP Law, she was provided with a roadmap on how this case should proceed and what steps are necessary when prosecuting a personal injury claim.

Proceedings were commenced in the District Court of New South Wales. After obtaining all relevant medical evidence, expert liability evidence and all necessary financial records, attempts were made to try negotiating an early settlement.

After attempts were made by our office to try and resolve the claim, the defendants failed to convey reasonable offers of settlement to settle this personal injury claim. As is the protocol at GMP Law, we prepared the case for a hearing.

On the doorsteps of court, both defendants made reasonable offers of settlement with a view of attempting to bring about a full and final resolution of the claim.

Our client was very happy with the outcome of the informal settlement discussions leading to the resolution of her court case against the shopping centre.

If you suffer an injury as a result of a suspended object falling on you on someone else’s premises or in a shopping centre, then you may be entitled to receive awarding damages in compensation for your injuries as a result of the negligence of the other party.For a free no-obligation consultation please contact us on 1800 004 878 so that an appointment can be arranged for you to attend our office for you to protect your legal rights arising from your accident.

Class Actions
At GMP Law, we have extensive experience in class action lawsuits, amplifying the voices of individuals who have experienced similar harms or losses.
About Us
Gerard Malouf & Partners have provided friendly, experienced legal advice to communities across Australia for over 35 years. Our Personal Injury Lawyers have taken on ten’s of thousands of cases and we are proud to have won billions of dollars for our clients.
Meet the diverse and dynamic team of compensation lawyers and supporting staff that have made this all happen below. Our multi-lingual team can discuss your claims in Arabic, Assyrian, Turkish, Greek, Italian, French, Serbian, Croatian, Armenian, Mandarin, Hindi, Punjabi or Malayalam.
Meet the diverse and dynamic team of compensation lawyers and supporting staff that have made this all happen below. Our multi-lingual team can discuss your claims in Arabic, Assyrian, Turkish, Greek, Italian, French, Serbian, Croatian, Armenian, Mandarin, Hindi, Punjabi or Malayalam.

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