Greystanes crash leaves teen in coma

An accident in the western Sydney suburb of Greystanes saw a 17-year-old girl hospitalised after the car she was travelling in collided with a power pole and burst into flames.

Police say that the crash occurred at 01:00 on September 5 (local time), when a Nissan Pulsar was travelling in a westerly direction on Merrylands Road as it left the asphalt.

The car then collided with the power pole with such force that it brought down the live overhead wires.

When emergency services arrived, they found the vehicle had come to rest in the centre of the road with its bonnet ripped off and flames engulfing the engine block.

Two 17-year-old girls were travelling in the back passengers seats of the Pulsar. As a result of the crash they both received serious injuries to the head and neck.

It has been reported that the 23-year old male driver and the 20-year-old male front-seat passenger were able to pull the other occupants from the wrecked vehicle before the flames took hold.

Ambulance officers treated the injured parties at the scene, before rushing the victims to the nearby Westmead Hospital to receive further medical attention.

One of the 17-year-old female passengers was placed in an induced coma as a result of her extensive injuries, which have been described by police officials as “critical” and “life-threatening”.

A nearby resident was reported to have aided the victims, rushing to the scene of the crash with fresh water and blankets.

The initial cause of the crash is unknown at this point, with detective inspector Phil Brooks saying that the metropolitan crash investigation unit would consider if speed was a factor.

Brooks asserted: “We will speak to the driver once he is in a condition to be interviewed.”

The eastbound lanes of Merrylands Road will remain closed between Cumberland Road and Taylor Street while engineers repair the damaged power lines.

Parties injured in motor vehicle accidents frequently require medical attention and rehabilitation treatments, which can be expensive.

In New South Wales, car accident compensation can be made available to help cover these costs.

As well as drivers, passengers and motorcycle pillions can access these payments – even if they are involved in a no-blame accident that results from unforeseen circumstances.

An experienced compensation lawyer can offer these victims reliable advice, allowing them to explore their legal options before deciding on the best course of action.


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