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No premises is an island

While Margaret Thatcher envisioned a world where there was no society, only men and women, in Australia, society continues to live strong and true. As a member of a national community, individuals must be aware of the impact they have on the people around them. The only way to avoid this is by living on […]

Appeals case shows importance of a compensation lawyer

A recent case in front of the New South Wales’ Court of Appeal highlights the need for an experienced compensation lawyer when making a public liability injury claim. Due to the chances of an appeal, an individual needs to ensure they have a lawyer across the case from the start. Without this level of expertise, a decision could be […]

Could a fallen tree lead to a public liability claim?

Australia is known all around the world as one of the most beautiful countries on earth. From the huge range of public forests in the north and south of the country to the fantastic gardens on offer to the public. However, Australia’s weather is almost as equally known for its temperamental nature. Storms and other bad […]

Can I sue my landlord?

Renting a property can be a massive strain on your financial life. This is especially true in Australia’s already overinflated property market, where even a small urban dwelling can be rented at twice the normal value. As such, the last thing any renter wants is to be injured in their own home. If this happens, […]

How are negligence and duty of care related?

The world is filled with industries and sectors that have their own languages, words and meanings. In both past and contemporary society, the law and the people that interpret it have been scorned for their almost incomprehensible use of words. While the idea of legalise is understandable, knowing key concepts and their meanings can help you when […]

Goods spillages create public liability risk in NSW

All businesses that operate in NSW have a duty of care to the wider public. Even if they are not customers, organisations must ensure their actions aren’t impacting the safety of the rest of the community. These obligations will be different for businesses across a unique range of industries, but the principle remains the same: […]

How lawyers with a no win, no fee promise help the underprivileged

Worrying numbers of Australians are choosing to represent themselves in court and it is not resulting in successful outcomes in most cases. The 2012 ‘Unaffordable and out of reach’ report on the problem of access to the Australian legal system reinforces the importance of law firms like Gerard Malouf and Partners offering no win, no fee […]

I’m getting older – so why is my super getting further and further away?

Financial advice and products are regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). This includes the pension entitlement which currently is offered to those aged 67 and older. As we unfortunately heard in 2014, the government wants to push that age of eligibility back to 70 by 2035. With such an important entitlement being […]

Watch that pothole: A case of negligence

Crossing the road can be a risky undertaking. With cars travelling in both directions, not to mention cyclists and trucks, there are number of hazards to keep an eye out for. Yet, what happens when a road has pot holes? Is it up to the pedestrian to keep an eye out or do the authorities […]

Public liability injury claim leads to successful settlement

When a person walks around a supermarket, a retail store or over a pedestrian crossing, are they expected to ensure their own safety by avoiding all painted signs? A public liability injury claim in-front of the District Court of New South Wales has provided a pragmatic answer. The case also highlights the need to ensure […]

About Us
Gerard Malouf & Partners have provided friendly, experienced legal advice to communities across Australia for over 35 years. Our Personal Injury Lawyers have taken on ten’s of thousands of cases and we are proud to have won billions of dollars for our clients.
Meet the diverse and dynamic team of compensation lawyers and supporting staff that have made this all happen below. Our multi-lingual team can discuss your claims in Arabic, Assyrian, Turkish, Greek, Italian, French, Serbian, Croatian, Armenian, Mandarin, Hindi, Punjabi or Malayalam.
Meet the diverse and dynamic team of compensation lawyers and supporting staff that have made this all happen below. Our multi-lingual team can discuss your claims in Arabic, Assyrian, Turkish, Greek, Italian, French, Serbian, Croatian, Armenian, Mandarin, Hindi, Punjabi or Malayalam.

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