A woman slips and falls in a Sydney train station

A woman was recently injured by falling off of a train platform. Find out how you may be owed compensation from falling and getting injured in a public place like a railway station. 

Slipping and falling near a railway

In August of this year, a 45 year old woman was injured after slipping and falling between a train and a platform at Auburn station in Sydney. Luckily, the train was stationary when she fell.

The NSW Police told Yahoo! News that she had most likely fallen while boarding the train. 

As result, the Daily Telegraph reports that the woman had leg and head injuries and was transferred to Westmead Hospital after the fall. 

Yahoo! wrote that an onlooker observed that the wet weather may have played a role in the fall.  

Make a claim for falling in a public area

Falling off railway platforms and into crossings is more common than you would think. According to a National Rail Safety Regulator report, between 2015 and 2016, there have thus far been 462 serious injuries near railways, around 81 per cent due to slips and falls.  In NSW, slips and falls make up a whopping 85 per cent of serious injuries near railways.

The National Railway Regulator report also states that when some of these injuries happen, the railway operator is not aware of the fall, which often causes more serious injuries.

At the moment, regulators are working to ensure greater compliance with Work Health and Safety Regulations. In the case of the woman falling at Auburn station, if it was due to wet conditions, the onus could be on the railway regulators for not establishing safer platforms resistant to rain. 

At Gerard Malouf and Partners, we deal with people who are injured while walking through public areas. Moreover, in our experience, we have found that the fall is often due to slippery conditions or else poor lighting or unsafe substances left on the walkway. 

If the state of the public area was not in compliance with safety regulations, you may find your eligible for compensation. If you are not at fault, you should not have to pay for the multitude of expenses that follow from an injury like this, including ongoing homecare as well as wage loss. 

Contact Gerard Malouf and Partners today if you think you have a case on your hands. Our team of lawyers as well as our medical experts will assess the incident.

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